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Kristin Neff herself notes that because of our habitual responses to hurt and negative emotions, getting started can often be a drastic change of perspective Neff, 2019. And because were actually trying to adopt new approaches rather than create positive emotions, it takes practice:Self compassion is a practice of goodwill, not good feelings With self compassion we mindfully accept that the moment is painful, and embrace ourselves with kindness and care in response, remembering that imperfection is part of the shared human experience. With that in mind, well cover some techniques and tips for practicing this goodwill, before sharing some resources, affirmations, and approaches to help you along the way. There are lots of specific exercises available online that will help you practice self compassion in a way that suits you. Well cover some of these in more depth on in our Resources section, but most have the same general approach. One good place to start is by thinking about how you would treat others that you care about.
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It is important to recognize that the factors that first gave a city its identity may change or disappear later on. For example, Timbuktu, Mali, was once famous in the Islamic world as a center for pilgrims and overland traders, but it lost importance because of its location in an arid region far from any large rivers or lakes. Another example is London, which was a major port for several centuries. Since the mid 20th century its port facilities have moved farther downriver and closer to the sea. Yet the city has continued to thrive as a seat of government and a center of world banking. Cities throughout the world have developed in unique ways, and no single history can account for them all. Yet some general patterns exist in both Western civilization and other cultural traditions. Some patterns hold true for most of the world. As the global population has increased, for instance, so have the number of cities and the percentage of people living in them. This is known as the rate of urbanization. As wandering hunter gatherers and then fishers, people have lived in extended family groups and villages for tens of thousands of years.
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